20 hour in southern Wisconsin for Medical Emissaries of Chicago (and other upper midwestern groups involved in protests against unprosecuted police killings of black people), during an October 2020 pandemic.

Lead trainers: Grace and Ben.

Proctors lead most facilitated discussions and practical education in small groups. See ?00about-this-training, ?00about-proctors and ?00proctor-orientation.

The outline is in the major bullet points below. Small group materials are picked out in indented bullet points.

The cooperative care skills drill, herbal medicine, and why first aid works activities were dropped from this training to create time for transitions into and out of small groups.

Field Operations and Prevention

Friday Night

Patient Assessment and First Aid

Saturday Morning

Emergency Response

Saturday Afternoon

  • ?26sat-pm-welcome
  • ?21breaks-sprains
  • ?27triage
  • ?28pas
  • ?29lor
  • ?31sat-pm-break

  • ?30airway

  • ?32ia-preparedness
  • ?33moi
  • ?34circulation
  • ?31sat-pm-break

  • ?35prep-major

  • ?36debrief-major
  • ?37disability
  • ?39sat-pm-wrap (look at am and pm wraps for this)
  • ?40sat-dinner
  • ?41sat-meeting
  • ?38fire-circle

Community Health Work

Sunday Morning

  • ?43sun-am-welcome --
  • ?44medical-emergency -- G/B
  • ?45sun-am-break
  • ?46determinants -- B
  • ?47chw -- G
  • ?48chw-case-study --
  • ?49chw-case-report --
  • ?50chw-skills --
  • ?51chw-debrief --
  • ?52nutrition --

Operating in Unsafe Scenes

Sunday Afternoon

<<<<<<< HEAD * ?52sun-lunch * ?53sun-pm-welcome * ?54environment * ?55police * ?56skills-eyeflush * ?57scenario-unsafe (look at unsafe and evolving scenarios for this) * ?58debrief-unsafe * ?59sun-pm-break * ?60kit * ?61confidential-help * ?62organizing-health * ?38our-dead * ?38cam-agm * ?63self-eval * ?64training-eval (see discussion for another question) * ?65sun-supper * ?66sun-meeting

For book
