Thursday morning welcome

Time: 15 mins; 0900-0915
Actual time:
Learning Objectives:
Materials: Tape for name tags, Readers, gear table.


Students and trainers

go-round, each sharing name, preferred pronoun, and a skill or experience you bring to this training -- anything from being calm in the face of chaos, to being kick-ass at organizing people to do things, to having training in massage, to being an EMT, to having a lot of demo experience. This is not an opportunity to tell your life story; focus on hearing your skill as part of the tapestry of skills in the room.

All trainers

raise hands or something to ID selves to students.



makes announcements:

  • Name tags: help people get to know you faster.

  • Ground rules: point them out again.

  • Gear table: ("Greg has graciously let us unpack his medic bag on that table over there. Feel free to put on exam gloves and paw through his stuff. Don't touch it with your dirty bare hands.")

Student volunteer

reads training agenda for the day off chart paper on the wall.


emphasizes breaks and lunch.

  • Lunch is served at ....

  • Training's over at 7:00 tonight.

Wake the Fuck Up Game


pantomime what they do to wake up.1

Skills review

Facilitator says

Yesterday you built a basic skillset of what to do when no one is hurt, or when no more than one person is hurt per buddy pair. You and your buddy:

  • Decide roles.

  • Do scene assessment and self-care.

  • Radiate calm.

  • Recognize patients.

Facilitator says

If someone needs help, you and your buddy:

  • Take a deep breath.

  • Reassess the scene.

  • Glove up.

  • Make contact.

  • Introduce yourself and get consent.

  • Problem-solve and use your resources to make the scene safer.

  • Transfer care or complete care.

Introduction to triage and initial assessment


This morning we complicate the situation.

  1. What if there are more people in need of care than there are medic buddy pairs?

  2. What if a person's life is in danger?

  1. Trainer is welcome to do different physical activity that gets everybody's asses in gear and ready to participate.