Friday afternoon welcome

Time: 15 mins; 1330-1345
Actual time:
Learning Objectives:

You have practiced your approach, how to recognize true emergencies, how to do first aid, and how to support protesters when difference is exaggerated by protest and state response. This afternoon we're going to take a look at community health and tie the training together with big scenarios.

Preparedness line-up / values clarification

  • "I am more afraid of police dogs than police horses."

  • "I am more afraid of police bicycles than pepper spray."

  • "If either my buddy or I could escape arrest, but not both of us, I would go to jail so my buddy could get away."

  • "I am more prepared to stop bullying than to prevent trenchfoot."

  • "I would like to do jail support or wait outside for protesters to be released from jail."

  • "I am prepared to sleep on a sidewalk or in a car overnight right now."

  • "I feel like I could escape from a police kettle during the NATO protest."