Final trainer meeting

Questions to discuss:

The Outline

  • Did the students have the opportunity to practice every skill we taught? Do we know that every student can satisfactorily perform every skill we taught today?

  • What in the outline we presented today could conceivably be cut out, allowing more time for practice?

  • Students don't always understand what we're talking about. Common misconceptions abound. How can we change our presentation to anticipate these misconceptions?

  • How did we deviate from the planned outline? Was this intentional improvisation and a response to the special conditions of this workshop or was it accidental?

  • Are personal anecdotes up to each instructor or are they allotted overall by the group? Are these anecdotes absolutely essential for teaching those topics?

  • Am I genuinely excited to be teaching this material? Bored? Terrified?


  • Which topics did I present well? Did I know my material well enough to be able to talk engagingly without always looking at notes?

  • Given that students can only listen and learn so much in a day, was everything I said today absolutely essential? Did I talk too much? Did I repeat myself?

  • Do I have a nagging feeling that I didn't say what I wanted to say clearly enough?

  • How many times did I chime in on someone else's presentation and say things which I thought were important for the students to hear? Were these things absolutely essential for students' comprehension? If these topics were essential, why aren't they in the outline?

  • How can I make myself more approachable next time so that students will come and ask me questions during breaks?

  • When students asked questions that we couldn't answer, how did we deal with it? Did we try to get an answer from another instructor? Did we get the student's contact info and promise to follow up for them?

  • Are there presentation aids (props, butcher paper/marker, handouts) that would help us reach our students better?

Energy & Focus

  • Which students seemed to lose interest or energy?

  • What did I do to help all the students keep focused and intent? For example, did I ask specific students questions to help them feel engaged? What can I do next time to help the students keep focused and intent?

  • Was I hungry or coming down from caffeine? If so, did this affect my teaching ability? Were the students hungry or did they need more breaks?

  • Which students didn't we notice during the workshop? Or alternatively, which were the quiet or invisible students who we noticed and attempted to draw out into participation and interactive learning? In these cases, how well did we do?

  • How well did we manage moving from one exercise to another without losing time or the group's focus?


  • If another, partner organization or group did the logistics (publicity/location), did they do a good job? Are these folks we want to work with again? What do we need to communicate to them?

  • Was the location satisfactory for teaching? Was it easy to find? Were restrooms available nearby? Were there distractions which we can try to avoid next time?

  • Did we start at the announced time? Were we ready to start on time or were there other factors which caused us to start late?

  • Did we keep our breaks frequent and short?

  • Which students seemed totally on the ball, have leadership talent, and are folks we want to keep track of to work with in the future? Alternatively, were there any students who absolutely creeped us out or scared us and who we want to take note of for the future? This is not an invitation to talk about students who merely annoyed us. Necessary trash talk is for later.

  • Were there any nightmare moments (or near-disasters)? Were we able to turn these into teaching moments?

  • Did we lecture for too long without giving students the time to practice skills without getting restless or sleepy?

  • What can we do to make our workshop more accessible to more people?

  • Who was our intended audience today? Did we reach them (or a satisfactory subset of them)? Are there other, perhaps more needy, audiences which we're neglecting? Was our workshop appropriate to our audience (intended or otherwise?

Finally, think of one great thing each of your co-instructors did. Tell them right now.