


We want to support a growing culture of care among criminal defense attorneys. In this culture of care, attorneys will sleep better, drink less, have positive outlets for stress, and have a network of safe, dependable friends willing and able to hear them out.


By the end of this 3 hour workshop:

  • Participants will have built awareness and supportive relationships.

  • Participants will have shared and developed resilience strategies they can put to use right away.

  • Facilitators will have modeled our anti-authoritarian and anti-oppressive values.

Ground rules

Take care of yourself

  • This class involves frank discussions of burn-out, traumatic stress, and sexual violence. Know your strengths and limits. Step back or reach out when you need to.

  • Lots of interaction and movement: do only what you are able and willing to do. Let us know what to change so you can participate fully. Lots of discussion: let us know if you can't hear or can't concentrate.

  • When you feel like you need something, chances are others need it too.

Take care of each other

  • Respect each other: everyone here has useful knowledge and experience.

  • Pay attention to how much space you take up. Is your voice overbearing, unheard, or well-balanced with the voices of others?

  • Maintain confidentiality. Tell the world what you learned, but don't share other participants' personal info outside this room.

Take care of your facilitators

  • Help each other out, ask questions -- be engaged and active!

  • Tell us if you think we're wrong about something, or if you think we made a mistake (we screw up and learn like anybody else).