Further Reading

Protest medicine


Grant, M. (1964 Jun). Organization of Health Services for Civil Rights March. Public Health Rep. 79:461-7. www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1915459/


Medical Committee for Human Rights. (1966). Manual for Volunteers. New York. Reprinted 2004 at www.crmvet.org/docs/mchr.htm


Billings, G. (1968 Aug). Health care in Resurrection City. American Journal of Nursing 68(8):1695-8.

Popkin, D.R. (1968 Sep-Oct). Resurrection City, U.S.A; social action and mental health. Perspect Psychiatr Care 6(5):198-204.

Webb, H. Jr. (1968 Oct). Dentistry at Resurrection City. J Dist Columbia Dent Soc 43(3):11-6.


Frank, A, et al (1969-01-30). Medical problems of civil disorders. Organization of a volunteer group of health professionals to provide medical services in a riot. New England Journal of Medicine 280(5):247-53. www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJM196901302800506

Grant, M. (1969 Feb). Health services for the Poor People's Campaign. Public Health Rep. 84(2): 102--106. www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2031454/

Ad Hoc Report Committee, Psychiatric Service, Health Services Coordinating Committee, Resurrection City (1969 May). Psychiatric services to a sustained social protest campaign: an on-site, walk-in clinic at Resurrection City. Am J Psychiatry 125(11):1543-51.


Carpenter WT Jr, Tamarkin NR (1970 Aug 17). Rarity of drug problems during political protest. JAMA 213(7):1193.


Chused TM, Cohn CK, Schneider E, Winfield JB. (1971 Jan). Medical care during the November 1969 antiwar demonstrations in Washington, DC. An experience in crowd medicine. Arch Intern Med 127(1):67-9.

Carpenter WT Jr, Tamarkin NR, Raskin DE (1971 Apr). Emergency psychiatric treatment during a mass rally: The March on Washington. Am J Psychiatry 127(10):1327-32.

Schneider, Edward L. & the Metropolitan Washington Chapter of the Medical Committee for Human Rights (1971-07). The Organization and Delivery of Medical Care During the Mass Anti-War Demonstration at the Ellipse in Washington, D.C. on May 9, 1970. American Journal of Public Health 61(7):1434-1442. www.ajph.org/cgi/reprint/61/7/1434.pdf

Hayman CR & Berkeley MJ (1971-Oct). Health care for war demonstrators in Washington, April-May, 1971. A comparison with the riot and "Resurrection City" of 1968. The Medical Annals of the District of Colombia 40(10):633-7.

Zehner H. (1971 Nov). Demonstrations in the District of Columbia. A message from the Emergency Medical Committee. Med Ann Dist Columbia 40(11):721.


Hayman, C.R., H.S. Meek, R.L. Standard, and M.C. Hope (1972 Feb). Health care in the nation's capital during 30 mass assemblies. HSMHA Health Rep. 87(2): 99--109. www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1616176/

Cooper JK, Meek HS. (1972 Oct). Changing guidelines for mass emergency care. JAMA 222(4):471-2.

International Liberation School (1972). Beat the heat: a radical survival handbook, pp. 6, 188, 231. Ramparts Press.


Rosenfield, David A, C Findeiss, M Saslaw, E Nagel, J Allen, and J Weinstein (1974 Jul-Aug). Supplying Health Care to Nondelegates During 1972 National Political Conventions. Public Health Reports 89(4):365-371. www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1434643/pdf/pubhealthrep00165-0063.pdf

Medical protest


Cobb, W. Montague (1964 May). The Hospital Integration Story in Charlotte, North Carolina. Journal of the National Medical Association 56(3): 226--229. www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2610795/


Marshall, Carter L (1970 Mar). Racism and Health in Greene County, Alabama. Journal of the National Medical Association 62(2):109-114. www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2611874/

Elinson, Jack and Conrad E. A. Herr (1970 Mar-Apr). A Sociomedical View of Neighborhood Health Centers. Medical Care 8(2) pp. 97-103.

Yoder, FD and S Reed (1970 Sept). Cook County health care facilities and the state health department. American journal of public health and the nation's health 60(9):1706-11. ajph.aphapublications.org/doi/pdf/10.2105/AJPH.60.9.1706

Browning, Frank (1970 Oct). From Rumble to Revolution: The Young Lords. Ramparts Magazine pp. 19-25. www.unz.org/Pub/Ramparts-1970oct-00019


Jonas S (1971 May). A theoretical approach to the question of "community control" of health services facilities. American Journal of Public Health 61(5):916-21. ajph.aphapublications.org/doi/pdf/10.2105/AJPH.61.5.916

Lang, Frances and James Ridgeway (1971 June). Hard times: Health economics. Ramparts magazine pp. 6-7. www.unz.org/Pub/Ramparts-1971jun-00004

Schwartz, JL (1971 Sep). First national survey of free medical clinics 1967-69. HSMHA Health Rep 86(9): 775--787. www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1937168/

Organizers Manual Collective (1971). The Organizer's Manual. Bantam Books.


Stoeckle, John D, William H. Anderson, John Page, Joseph Brenner, (1972 Jan 31). The Free Medical Clinics. JAMA 219(5):603-605.

Safar P, Esposito G, Benson DM. (1972 Jan-Feb). Emergency medical technicians as allied health professionals. Anesthesia and Analgesia 51(1):27-34.

Bloomfield, Constance and Howard Levy (1972 Mar). Underground Medicine: Ups and Downs of the Free Clinics. Ramparts Magazine pp. 35-42. www.unz.org/Pub/Ramparts-1972mar-00035

Benson, D.M., Esposito, G., Dirsch, J., Whitney, R. and Safar, P. (May 1972). Mobile Intensive Care by "Unemployable" Blacks Trained as Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs) in 1967--69. Journal of Trauma 12(5):408-421. medicstories.wikidot.com/mobile-intensive-care-by-unemployable-blacks

Cooper JK, Meek HS. (1972 Oct). Changing guidelines for mass emergency care. JAMA 222(4):471-2.

Turner, I. R. (1972 Oct). Free health centers: a new concept?. American Journal of Public Health 62(10):1348-1353. ajph.aphapublications.org/doi/pdf/10.2105/AJPH.62.10.1348


David Ferleger (1973 Jan). Loosing the Chains: In-Hospital Civil Liberties of Mental Patients, Santa Clara Lawyer 13(3): 447-502. digitalcommons.law.scu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=2386&context=lawreview

Torrey EF, D Smith, and H Wise (1973 Jan). The family health worker revisited: a five-year follow-up. American Journal of Public Health 63(1): 71--74. www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1775132/

Benson, Don M and Charles Stewart (1973 May/June). Inadequacy of prehospital emergency care. Critical Care Medicine 1(3):130-4.

Shatan, Chaim F (1973 Nov). The grief of soldiers: Vietnam combat veterans' self-help movement. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry 43(4), pp. 640-653. medicstories.wikidot.com/vietnam-combat-veterans-self-help-movement

Fishel, Elizabeth (1973 Nov). The Women's Self-Help Movement. Ramparts Magazine pp. 29-31. medicstories.wikidot.com/womens-self-help-movement-elizabeth-fishel


Palmer BB (1974 July). A model for a community-based women's clinic. American Journal of Public Health 64(7): 713--714. www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1775619/

Kotelchuck, Ronda and Thomas Bodenheimer (1974 July). National Health Insurance: The Care and Feeding of Medi-Business. Ramparts Magazine pp. 26-28. www.unz.org/Pub/Ramparts-1974jul-00026

Source, inc (1974). Organizing for health care: a tool for change. Beacon Press.

Blake, Elinor and Thomas Bodenheimer (1974 Sep). Hospitals for Sale (and other ways to kill a public health system). Ramparts Magazine pp. 27-33. www.unz.org/Pub/Ramparts-1974feb-00027


Safar, P (1976). Evolution of Emergency Medical Technicians and Paramedics in the U.S.A. Frey, R, E Nagel, P Safar, Petra Rheindorf, and Patricia Sands. Mobile Intensive Care Units. pp. 143-145.

Brown, M (1976). Teachability of Unemployed and Undereducated Individuals as Emergency Medical Technicians. Frey, R, E Nagel, P Safar, Petra Rheindorf, and Patricia Sands. Mobile Intensive Care Units. pp. 149-150.


Jonas S (1978 June). Limitations of community control of health facilities and services. American Journal of Public Health 68(6): 541--543. www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1653972/