Skills drill: Cooperative care

Facilitator: Grace
Time: 20 mins; 2020-2040
Actual time:
Learning Objectives:
Materials: Chart paper, marker

Group brainstorm

To students

You are about to practice everything you have learned so far tonight, so call out the ways we establish safety that don't involve first aid!

Students should at least call out things having to do with having a buddy; grounding; approach; scene survey; BSI; using crowd, authority drag, and other resources.

Hands-on practice session


2,000 person crowd in busy downtown. 75 degrees F and sunny.


3 students per instructor (2 are buddy pair, third is pt)


Students have a choice:

  • 3 months pregnant and just started bleeding.

  • Having a really bad asthma attack.

  • Had barricade slammed down on foot, then twisted and fell backwards on ass, then got away and adrenaline is just wearing off (cannot bear weight, sharp pain in bones of foot and twisted ankle).

Students practice

Ground, approach, scene survey, BSI, consent -- all the way through to get help, be nice, and hand off to EMS (each student rotates through medic, buddy, and pt roles).

Instructors play roles

that confront each student with non-medical issues.

  • Frantic/interfering friend who has to be de-escalated/redirected -- then becomes major help.

  • Cop medics have to deal with to get an ambulance.

  • Paramedic who arrives on scene to take pt to ED.1

Debrief hands-on practice session

  • Did you check-in/ground?

  • Did you look around for risks?

  • Did you put on gloves? Why/why not? (If student did not touch pt, it was okay to not wear gloves -- we're just trying to draw attention to BSI at this stage of the game)

  • Did you introduce yourself and get consent to help?

  • How was your communication with the patient?

  • How did the advocacy go?

  • Ask patient: How did it feel?

  1. ED is Emergency Department of hospital.