Wednesday wrap-up
Facilitator: Becca + Charis
Time: 10 mins; 2135-2145
Actual time:
Learning Objectives:
Matrials: 1 Reader.
Questions? Concerns? Feel like there are things trainers should do differently?
Talk to trainers individually.
Write on "What if..." chart paper.
Evaluation at end of training will be used to improve training.
Plan for tomorrow
When we start.
What to bring (money, dishes?, your gloves, your CAM Handbook).
Other announcements.
Low point/high point debrief
1 Street medics use debrief to build a shared story of our experiences and integrate them into our lives. Daily debrief:
Is antidote to feelings of isolation.
Reveals hidden voices; challenges dominant narratives of day.
Strengthens learning.
In actions, debrief interrupts post-traumatic stress formation -- medics recognize and integrate any acute stress each day before sleep hardens things.
End each day of the training with a whole-group low point/high point debrief.
Students and trainers each share in as few words as possible their low point and high point of today. Folks are welcome to pass or to lie.
Ask for a volunteer to be the first person to debrief.
Once someone volunteers, invite that person to choose which direction around the circle the debrief will go.
Help with cleanup
Students should help get shit halfway in order before heading home. Just sayin'.
- Facilitator reads debrief definition out loud or gives Reader to one or two volunteers who read out loud.↩