Scenario debrief: Major trauma
Time: 20 mins; 1705-1725
Actual time:
Learning Objectives:
Admit how scary this scene got. Was this a safe scene for you and your buddy, according to your buddy check-in, or would you have left? What would you have done if you left?
Basics: Did you ground, spread calm, did you calm the person you were treating (consider also asking if folks did introductions checked for allergies, got consent) you can do this by calling out each of these things, and having people raise their hands if they did them.
Other issues to cover in the discussion:
Internal bleeding, MOI for c-spine (whiplash), shock
Head injury and C-spine MOI from head hitting pavement; unresponsive.
Chest pain is a gamechanger. (Not for first time. Suddenly aware of mortality and everything is very serious and clear.) Getting to EMS; dignity
Choking. Did you find? Did you clear the piece of chicken? Did you send on to hospital? (you should have)
Looking for parents, asthma, getting to EMS; big questions
Being trapped is terrifying. Did you calm down enough to find out about diabetic emergency? EMS
Neo-nazi driver: what is your responsibility to bad people? Could you even get to him?
Bite to knuckles.
(fight, flight, freeze) "extras": people who are reacting to the trauma of what just happened. Any additional injuries are due to this stress or its effects (jostling, elbowing, falling, etc). Even if injured, most may be helpful if given something to do
Team structure
Was it every buddy team for itself? Or did you work together to render care?
How could you have used the crowd/each other more effectively?