Community Health Work
Time: 35 mins; 1050-1125
Actual time:
Learning Objectives:
Grace's Matrix: Before, During, and After Harm
Places student responses to Adriana's dilemma into Grace's Matrix:
Harm | to Person | to Group |
Before or invisible | ? | ? |
During | ? | ? |
After | ? | ? |
1 Community health workers (CHW) are members of a community who are chosen bycommunity members or organizations to provide basic health and medical care to their community.
World Health Organization
2 Community health workers should be members of the communities where they work, should be selected by the communities, should be answerable to the communities for their activities, should be supported by the health system but not necessarily a part of its organization, and have shorter training than professional workers.
U. S. Department of Health and Human Services
3 CHWs offer interpretation and translation services, provide culturally appropriate health education and information, assist people in receiving the care they need, give informal counseling and guidance on health behaviors, advocate for individual and community health needs, and provide some direct services such as first aid and blood pressure screening.
Where There Is No Doctor
4 A village health worker is anyone who takes part in making his or her village a healthier place to live. This means almost everyone can and should be a health worker.
Facilitator says
Community health lies on a powerful intersection between healthcare and social change. Many health structures we take for granted today are the result of radicals getting involved in community health:
Rat abatement and lead testing programs, and community-based drug treatment centers were pioneered by Black Panthers and Young Lords.
Domestic violence programs, breastfeeding education, woman-centered childbirth support, legal abortions, and most women's health care options were developed by radical feminist groups and their offshoots.
Community-based mental health care replaced the asylum system thanks to work by the Mental Patients' Liberation Front.
Street medics are community health workers
Facilitator says
Street medics have a special relationship of trust with protester communities. This trust allows us to:5
Build relationships -- If we know who has chronic health conditions, we can help them manage their conditions and avoid crises.6
Encourage people to take better care of themselves -- Street medics help protesters get enough sleep, stay hydrated, take breaks as needed, change their socks daily, etc.
Find trends early -- One morning, six people ask if we have anything for their diarrhea. What can we do?
Identify vectors -- Streetmedics can trace health problems back to their common root. Where has everyone with this strange rash on their skin been sleeping?
Ask good questions -- Every patient contact is a potential opportunity to have a conversation about the patient's lifestyle, sleeping arrangements, family history, stress, etc. We can empower people to make informed decisions about their own health.
We keep our bond of trust by being available, approachable, nice, nonjudgmental, and radical. We give out freebies like candied ginger, hand warmers, ponchos, herbal tea, condoms, and cough drops. Freebies give people a reason to interact with us and build trust. We meet people where they're at, with respect and understanding.
Three Community Health Skills
Options counselling
Teach via Sexual Assault response. Repeat after me: "I believe you, it's not your fault, you have options."8
Teach redirection by showing, and metaphor of person who wants something and you are in the way.
Active Bystander
Point out difference between upset and targeting, bullying, entrapping, etc. Lay out basic principles of why people don't intervene, and how to change that. Mention SA in US military as example of success.
- Facilitator reads definition out loud or gives handouts with the story to one or two volunteers who read story out loud. Purpose: show students they are part of something bigger than street medics↩
- Lehmann and Sanders (PDF, 2007): Community health workers: What do we know about them?↩
- Bureau of Health Professions (PDF, 2007): Community Health Worker National Workforce Study.↩
- Werner (1979): Where There Is No Doctor: A Village Health Care Handbook.↩
- point out where these skills fit in matrix as teaching↩
- FYI: We don't know if our care was effective without follow-up (seeing a person multiple times over the course of an action).↩
- point out where these skills fit in matrix as teaching↩
- Options -- Someone might not want to go to the hospital for the infection on her face. What can we do to make sure she is able to clean it and have it looked at every day?↩