Break out: Many paths
Time: 15 mins; 1125-1140
Actual time:
Learning Objectives:
Materials: Reader
A friend of a patient is totally freaked out because she lost her friend for a minute. When she found him, he was on the ground bleeding. She is under the age of 18 and is freaking out because she's not supposed to be at the protest. She goes up to her injured friend, pushes medics aside, and attempts to get her friend to leave with her.
A person is so dehydrated that he is dizzy and sitting slumped on the ground. The person is quiet and exhausted, and complains of being thirsty and hungry. SAMPLE reveals no medications, allergy to something insignificant, a past history of a broken leg at age six and the flu three weeks ago, and no past event to cause an injury or illness. The person says he has not eaten or had anything to drink in about 24 hours.
A medic is becoming too exhausted to continue care. The medic initially complains of having a headache, but brushes off ideas to rest. In a couple minutes, the medic sinks to the ground and complains of not feeling well enough to go on walking. The medic is apathetic and does not want to get up. She does not contribute to plans to get out of the situation. If there is a patient present in that moment, the medic starts ignoring the patient's needs.
A pushy asshole of a journalist from Channel 9 News attempts to literally shove the medics out of the way to talk to an injured person. The pushy journalist will interrupt your care of the person for as long as possible, and does not beleive that patient privacy exists in public events. She sees you as an obstruction and nothing more.
This person is oriented to their own name only and half-sitting, half-slumping on a corner, staring blankly. No bystander can explain circumstances of still-bleeding, unbandaged head wound. The disoriented person appears drunk and there is an empty beer can nearby.
A livestreamer, who is feeling outraged at what is occurring at this protest is intrusive and angry, and if medics try to stop him/her from photographing/videotaping/talking to patients, then the livestreamer attempts to begin a political argument (while livestreaming the argument) about free speech, independent media, \"getting the word out,\" what Occupy means, and ethics of consent. The livestreamer will engage you for as long as possible, and may bait you to try to get medics to act hostile or look stupid on camera. You should be trying to get out of that situation and minimize nonconsensual filming of patients.
This young woman is very upset because a cop detained her, fondled her, and "sweet talked" her. She is mistrustful and afraid of everyone. She has lost her friends, who ran off after she was detained. The woman will not take any help from men or explain to men why she does not trust them.
A client of the occupied mental health clinic (closed due to austerity measures) is showing signs of stress about increased police presence. He begins to taunt police by blowing whistle at them and screaming about the mayor trying to kill them all by shutting down the mental health clinics in the city. When approached by organizers to stop engaging with the police in order to protect the relationship being built and to be in line with camp rules, he feels a deep sense of rejection and begins screaming and crying about how people are trying to tell him what to do.