Intro and intro eval
10 mins -- Purpose: By the end of this part, everyone in the room will have a sense of all the people in the room.
Facilitator: (Hopes & fears), (Intro training);
K: ...diversity of tactics / affinity group structure
A: know what you dont know, and get help
As learners enter the room (and we are all learners), they get unlimited sticky notes. Trainers encourage everyone to write at least one hope and one fear (one per sticky note) and place on the "Hopes and Fears" chart which has been prepared beforehand and well-placed in the room. Hopes and fears can reflect their expectations for the training, the Nov 17 action, or where they are at in their life right now.
Someone other than a trainer reads off all sticky notes.
Trainers briefly intro green/yellow/red zones; whole group goes-round the circle, introducing ourselves by first name only, by the name of our relevant affinity group or collective, and by our planned zones. We are allowed to lie or pass on any of these identifiers.
Trainers briefly introduce selves; training; agenda.
Stuff: unlimited sticky notes, "hopes & fears" chart on cardboard, pens for everyone, agenda written up on cardboard.